

  1. Cho-Tung Yip, Masaharu Isobe, Chor-Hoi Chan, Simiao Ren, Kin-Ping Wong, Qingxiao Huo, Chun-Shing Lee, Yuen-Hong Tsang, Yilong Han, and Chi-Hang Lam, "Direct Evidence of Void-Induced Strctural Relaxations in Colloidal Glass Formers", Phys. Rev. Lett., 125, 258001 (2020).
  2. Masaharu Isobe, Aaron S. Keys, David Chandler, and Juan. P. Garrahan, “Applicability of Dynamic Facilitation Theory to Binary Hard Disk Systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 145701 (2016). (6 pages). EulekAlert!(AAAS):
  3. Masaharu Isobe, “Hard sphere simulation in statistical physics --- methodologies and applications”, Molecular Simulation, ---A special issue on nonequilibrium systems---, 42, pp.1317-1329 (2016) (13 pages). (Invited Article)
  4. Masaharu Isobe and Werner Krauth,“Hard-Sphere Melting and Crystallization with Event-Chain Monte Carlo”,J. Chem. Phys., 143, 084509 (2015) (6 pages).
  5. Michael Engel, Joshua A. Anderson, Sharon C. Glotzer, Masaharu Isobe, Etienne P. Bernard and Werner Krauth, “Hard disks equation of state: first-order liquid-hexatic transition in two dimensions with three different simulation methods”, Phys. Rev. E, 87, 042134 (2013). (8 pages) Physical Review E 25th Anniversary Milestones
  6. Masaharu Isobe and Berni J. Alder, “Generalized Bond Order Parameter to Characterize Transient Crystals”, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 194501 (2012). (9 pages)
  7. Masaharu Isobe, “The Long Time Tail of the Velocity Autocorrelation Function in a Two Dimensional Moderately Dense Hard Disk Fluid”, Phys. Rev. E, 77, 021201 (2008).
  8. Masaharu Isobe, “Velocity Statistics in Two-Dimensional Granular Turbulence”, Phys. Rev. E, 68, 040301(R) (2003).
  9. Masaharu Isobe, “Bifurcations of a driven granular systems under gravity”, Phys. Rev. E, 64, 031304 (2001).
  10. Masaharu Isobe, “Simple and efficient algorithm for large scale molecular dynamics simulation in hard disk systems”, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C10, No.7, pp.1281-1293 (1999).


  1. コロイド結晶の形成とその応用 礒部 雅晴 他 (中村 浩, 山中 淳平 監修) (担当: 分担執筆 , 担当範囲: 第3章 3 剛体球分子分散系の構造形成シミュレーション ) シーエムシー出版  2020年05月 ISBN: 978-4-7813-1502-7
  2. M. Isobe,“Hard Sphere Simulation by Event-Driven Molecular Dynamics : Breakthrough, Numerical Difficulty, and Overcoming the issues”, Chapter 6 in "Advances in the Computational Sciences --- Proceedings of the Symposium in Honor of Dr Berni Alder's 90th Birthday", edited by Eric Schwegler, Brenda M. Rubenstein, and Stephen B. Libby, World Scientific, pp.83-107 (2017.4) ISBN: 978-981-3209-41-1
  3. Y. Hiwatari & M. Isobe (ed.),The 50th Anniversary of the Alder Transition ---Recent Progress on Computational Statistical Physics---,Proceedings of the Symposium on the 50th Anniversary of the Alder Transition, Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl. 178 (2009). (27Articles, 192pages) ISSN 0375-9687
  4. 特集 "分子シミュレーション 温故知新", 「アンサンブル」, 礒部雅晴 (編), 分子シミュレーション研究会, 2010年01月
  5. 特集 "分子シミュレーションの夜明け -Alder転移より半世紀-", 「アンサンブル」,樋渡保秋,礒部雅晴 (編), 分子シミュレーション研究会, 2007年10月
  6. 小特集 "アルダー転移50周年", 樋渡保秋, 礒部雅晴 (編), 日本物理学会誌, 2007年10月

